Welcome to Eland 2023

ELAND 2023
Porquerolles (France)
June 04 to 09, 2023

We would like to thank you all so much for your participation in the ELAND2023 workshop!
We had a wonderful time and have greatly enjoyed the quality and variety of your presentations. We hope we have been able to create a stimulating environment for your research and that it has been a memorable experience to all of you!

Continuing a fruitful series of meetings, this Energy Landscapes workshop is devoted to all topics revolving around energy landscapes, as encountered in physics, chemistry, biochemistry, biology, applied mathematics, and computer science.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Exploration of complex energy landscapes
- Modeling thermodynamics
- Modeling kinetics
- Energy landscapes and machine learning
- Applications to various atomic/molecular systems
- Algorithms and software development

The format consists of a small number of survey talks, contributed talks, and posters sessions, leaving ample time for discussions. Free afternoons also contribute to exchanges.